About me

Susanna Morabito

I live in Palermo, lovely city, home to the finest baroque architecture.
Though a travel lover, it’s right here that I draw inspiration that drives me through this creative flux ultimately leading to the realisation of my projects. The setting up and decorating of interiors and exteriors at events, or even simply for Christmas, represents my main activity. I love to build real “artworks” able to fill up a room, however big or small it can be, with patience, passion, desire to surprise.


This is how I give life to my Coffe Reali. I look at them in their already beautiful natural shape and colour, seeing through them as if they were empty rooms waiting to be valorised, dressed, and then decorated in an exuberant, rich style, as is traditional. I’m dedicating them to those women that don’t like to go unnoticed, fascinated by tradition, and at the same time by changing.

Intrecci “reali” di paglia: vere opere d’arte